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Bringing credentialed spokespersons on board brings another level of credibility.
In this paid news snippet airing on DirecTV airings of HGTV, Lifetime, and other channels, messages can be editorialized and educational, while increasing awareness of the brand, in this case, the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
In this satellite media tour, a nutritionist for the Calorie Control Council dispels myths of weight gain around the holidays
Renowned chef prepares a dish featuring stevia. Video aired on several well known channels
For the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, this article included NAELA as expert
For the Calorie Control Council, this mall intercept interview of a consumer discussing the benefits of aspartame for those with diabetes.
For the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, this video was recorded among many other member videos while at a trade show, to promote the benefits of being an elder law attorney
For the National Pecan Shellers Association, lead scientist discusses study on health benefits of pecans. Editorial video snippet aired on DirecTV Food Network, Cooking Channel and others
For the Association for Dressings and Sauces, the article included survey data from ADS
For the Calorie Control Council, this article included CCC as a source for calorie counts
For the Calorie Control Council, this article included CCC as a source for calorie counts
For the National Association for Professional Geriatric Care Managers, this article included NAPGCM as a source
For the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, this radio segment included NAELA as a source
For the Association for Dressings and Sauces, the article included survey data from ADS
For the Association for Dressings and Sauces, the article included survey data from ADS
For the Association for Dressings and Sauces, this lifestyle spokesperson featured ADS in a satellite media tour
For the Association for Dressings and Sauces, this video was produced in house with staff, featuring dressings
For the National Association for Professional Geriatric Care Managers, this article included NAPGCM as a source
For the Association for Dressings and Sauces, Claire Robinson of Food Network's 5 Ingredient Fix was the featured spokesperson for a satellite media tour that aired on TV stations across the country
For the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers, Mary Lynn Patten discusses what it's like as a GCM
Article featured on Twitter for the Calorie Control Council
Cooking Video produced in-house for the Calorie Control Council's Sucralose Working Group
To educate of the benefits of joining the Association for Dressings and Sauces
An animated video to explain the benefits of low calorie sweeteners for the Calorie Control Council
Dr. Keith Ayoob as a spokesperson for the Calorie Control Council, discussing stevia as a sweetener
Facebook page for Association for Dressings and Sauces promoting a blog post
Promoting Diabetes Awareness Month for Calorie Control Council
Promoting a nutritionists on demand webinar for Calorie Control Council
For the National Association for Professional Geriatric Care Managers, this article included NAPGCM as a source
This editorial news snippet aired on DirecTV's airing of HGTV, TLC and other channels, about childhood obesity, for the Calorie Control Council
For the Calorie Control Council, this article included CCC as a source for calorie counts
An animated video to explain the benefits of sucralose for the Calorie Control Council
For the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, this article included NAELA as expert