How to Turn the Walking Dead into Community

Expanding your brand into Facebook takes commitment. However, once you’ve placed your stake in the ground, how do you keep the party going? How can you keep your following engaged, so they are less “zombies” and more like friends in a tight-knit group?

Post at the best times and days.

Your Facebook insights can tell you lots about your audience, according to Social Media Today. Find out when there are more fans on the page and post at that time.

Don’t overdo it.

Posting quality over quantity is the way to go.  No one wants to see you take over their news feed. Think about your audience as you post news from your company, or items from pop culture that align with the tonality of your company, or data from an industry think tank that applies to your biz.

Use Images for more impact.

Using photos or graphics can boost likes by 53% compared with the average post and more than doubles the comment volume. Think about any of your brand images, and consider using them, especially if they represent your brand lifestyle (more so that just your brand logo).

Keep at it, don’t neglect it and watch for comments. After all, once you increase engagement, you’ll need to pay even more attention. In the process though, you are creating a brand that listens to customers.